Owen Wingrave
opera by Benjamin Britten
with libretto by Myfanwy Piper
May 9-12, 2019
at GK ArtsCenter
Read the program!

Sir Philip (R. Müller) and Mrs. Coyle (J. Hall), with Kate (K. Pracht), Lechmere (B. Holcomb), Mrs. Julian (M. Stewart), Coyle (M. Curran), Miss Wingrave (E. Pulley) and Owen (R. Balonek) looking on. Photo by Tina Buckman.

Sir Philip (R. Müller), Mrs. Coyle (J. Hall), and Owen (R. Balonek). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Mrs Coyle (A. Watkins), Coyle (D. Klein), Lechmere (D. Curran), Kate (A. Caso), Mrs Julian (B. Thiele), Miss Wingrave (T. Cox), and Sir Philip (B. Downen). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Owen (M. Weyandt) with Coyle (D. Klein) and Lechmere (D. Curran) at table. Photo by Tina Buckman.

Sir Philip (B. Downen), Kate (A. Caso), Lechmere (D. Curran), Coyle (D. Klein), Miss Wingrave (T. Cox) and Owen (M. Weyandt). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Mrs Julian (B. Thiele) and Kate (A. Caso) with Coyle (D. Klein) and Owen (M. Weyandt) in background. Photo by Tina Buckman.

Coyle (D. Klein), Miss Wingrave (T. Cox), Mrs Julian (B. Thiele), Owen (M. Weyandt), Mrs Coyle (A. Watkins), Lechmere (D. Curran), and Kate (A. Caso). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Kate (A. Caso) and Owen (M. Weyandt). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Owen Wingrave (R. Balonek). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Owen (R. Balonek) and Mrs. Julien (M. Stewart). Photo by Tina Buckman.

Lechmere (B. Holcomb), Mrs. Julian (M. Stewart), Mrs. Coyle (J. Hall), Coyle (M. Curran) and Owen (R. Balonek) on stairs. Photo by Tina Buckman.

Coyle (M. Curran), Mrs. Coyle (J. Hall), Kate (K. Pracht), Lechmere (B. Holcomb), and Mrs. Julian (M. Stewart). Photo by Tina Buckman.